
Showing posts from 2018


I have measured out my life with coffee spoons. T. S. Eliot Name Coffee Planet Mars Sex Masculine History 1000 AD Ethiopia Uses Alertness, energy, medicinal  Element Fire Magic Uses Rituals pertaining to cleansing,  purifying, dousing, energizing, alluring Honor Your Ancestors Morning Ritual Each Morning, before taking your first sip of coffee, pour a little on the ground in the yard. Speak to your ancestors and tell them how much you appreciate them and how you would like to work with them to bring forth positive experiences into your life. Ask for protection, offer them love from your heart chakra. Tell them what you feel should be said then go about your day, knowing you are bridging a gap between yourself and the spirit realm. 


He's of the colour of the nutmeg. And of the heat of the ginger.... he is pure air and fire; and the dull elements of earth and water never appear in him, but only in patient stillness while his rider mounts him; he is indeed a horse, and all other jades you may call beasts. William Shakespeare Name Ginger Planet Mars Element Fire Sex Masculine History Origins Southeast Asia, used medicinally Uses   Used for its warming and soothing properties, digestion issues, anti-inflammation Magic Uses Power, luck, sex magic, retribution Expel the Cold Ginger Root and Orange Tea 2-3 in. piece of ginger root 1/4 orange tea bag of choice (for flavor and other healing properties) honey for sweetening   Seep the tea bag as usual. Peel and slice the ginger root then add to the hot tea. Prepare your orange, squeezing excess juice into tea. Enjoy to bring warmth and nutrition to your body. Drink when having a toothache


There's rosemary, that's for remembrance.  Pray you, love, remember. William Shakespeare Name Rosemary Planet Sun Sex Masculine History Member of the mint family Uses Strengthen and lengthen hair and nails, aromatherapy Magic Uses Love, protection, healing, mental focus and rejuvenation, ritual purification Rosemary & Lavender Pillow Satchets Dried Rosemary Dried lavender Muslin bag Fill the muslin bag with the lavender and rosemary as you speak of your intent of strengthening your mind while you sleep, building clarity in your decisions, and increasing wisdom through your dreams.  Insert into your pillowcase to increase dream clarity and mental focus. 


Cinnamon bites and kisses simultaneously. Vanna Bonta Name Cinnamon  Planet Sun Sex Masculine History Ancient uses from healing properties to burial rites Uses  Weight management, blood sugar regulation, aromatherapy, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic    Magic Uses Money, affairs of the heart, protection, general/ all purpose ritual uses Cinnamon &   Cayenne Pepper Incense Cones  2-3 tbsp. ground cinnamon 1 tbsp. ground cayenne pepper  1 cup of water (recipe per cone) Mix ingredients creating a thick mud like substance. Mold into cone shapes. Allow to sit for up to 24 hours to harden. Light on fireproof surface, responsibly.  For fast money attraction spells and certain love rituals (those pertaining to eroticism and to increase passion and heat). Remember to focus on your intent, keeping in mind the herbal properties while working with these energies.  


A man who is stingy with saffron is capable of seducing his own grandmother. Norman Douglas Name Saffron (crocus) Planet  Moon and Sun Sex  Female History  over 3500 years of harvest Uses winter ailments, digestive issues, female discomforts, insomnia, heart health, arthritis relief Magic Uses  Sex magic, fertility spells, feminine/moon magic, beauty rituals, wealth attraction,Goddess worship esp. those pertaining to fertility, love, and wealth Saffron & Rosemary Tea 1 tbsp saffron  1 tbsp rosemary pinch of ginger sugar cubes or orange honey Enjoy while focusing on your heart chakra. Imagine having the love life you desire. Imagine having your lovers gaze belong to you and only you. Use while performing any ritual to goddess to connect more closely with the divine feminine energies, as well as any spell pertaining to love, fertility, or sex magic.